Am I a therian quiz

This is just a fun quiz to see if yer a therian! Have fun and answer truthfully please! (A therian is a person who identifys as an animal on a non physical level)

I'm Sam Sam, I'm a cat therian, and maybe a dog therian, and I've been in the community for a while now! Remember a being a therian is NOT a choice!!!

Created by: Sam_isacat
  1. Have you ever felt a connection to an animal before?
  2. Do you feel connected to nature/nature areas?
  3. Have you ever had dreams as an animal/in an animal perspective?
  4. Have you ever wanted to become an animal?
  5. If you could live anywhere outside, where would it be?
  6. Have you ever felt like you were a animal in your past life?
  7. Have you ever acted like an animal? (Growled hissed howled meowed etc)
  8. Have you ever wanted to walk on all fours, do quads, etc?
  9. Have you ever heard of a therian?
  10. Was this quiz helpful?
  11. Thank you for taking this quiz!

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