Would you be my friend?

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Hi welcome to my quiz if you are actually a therian can you comment your therotype pls I'm just curiousI CAN COUNT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

please comment what you got. do you have a YouTube I will watch it.Are any of y'all artists a wanna knowI don't think anyone taking this quiz even knows who Minori is

Created by: Jada
  1. Are you a therian?
  2. do you have strict parents
  3. What is your asthetic (chose the box that has your asthetic in it)
  4. Are you a Melenie Martinez fan?
  5. Are you a Sephora kid?
  6. Are you skibidi toilet kid
  7. Whats your favorite color
  8. do you hate school
  9. do you hate church
  10. are you OBSESSED with sanrio
  11. do you watch any of these youtubersPeachybbies ItsFunneh Soda Tab Minori phennic fox
  12. are you a popular person
  13. if murder was legal would you kill a furry or therian
  14. if we were bff's would you sacrifice a little baby to save me from something bad

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