What Animal Mask Should I Make Next?

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This is a quiz that will help you figure out what Animal Mask to make next if you don't know like me! This is intended to be a simple quiz for fun! Let me know what you got in the comments!!

There are many results for you to get, a wide variety of animal masks, my sister helped to give suggestions on the animals. The results include an example of the animal mask. Disclaimer: None of these pictures are mine!!

Created by: LynnLynx
  2. What category of animal would you like it to be?
  3. What color would you like you animal to be?
  4. Feathers or Fur
  5. Faux fur or no? (Not including the ears)
  6. Do you want to add mesh to the eyes?
  7. If you do want to add mesh to the eyes, what color?
  8. Are you bored?
  9. What your favorite color?
  10. Did you drink water today?
  11. This is the end! Rate out of ten?
  12. Byeeeee

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