Maturity Quizzes
So how mature are you anyway? Do you act your age? You may be a little kid at heart, or maybe you just need to grow up a bit. These quizzes can point you in the right direction.
Our Maturity Quizzes
- Can You Pass This Adult Test?[by: someone, idk, rated: 3.06rated: 3.06/5, published: Feb 26, 2018]
The adult test, will you pass it? Anyone over the age of 18 should pass easily. Those over 30 should have no trouble scoring 90% or better. However, kids…
- Are you MATURE??[by: Lutho Banzi, rated: 4.42rated: 4.42/5, published: Aug 24, 2013]
Am I mature or immature? You may wanna find out if you are mature. YES, many people in the world have different meanings. Some say, its acting your age and…
- Are you ready to stay home alone?[by: RLD, rated: 4.25rated: 4.25/5, published: May 12, 2019]
Are you calm in a crisis? Or do sticky situations catch you off guard? How you handle the unexpected will give you an idea of how comfortable you'll feel by…
- Are you Mature or Immature?[by: heyilikepie, rated: 4.2rated: 4.2/5, published: May 9, 2011]
Do you solve problems well? Do you tend to throw tantrums? Or are you in the middle of that all? …
- How Much of a Manchild Are You?[by: Heavy Sandwich, rated: 3.79rated: 3.79/5, published: Aug 18, 2021]
What is a manchild? A manchild is someone who refuses to grow up; someone who allows momentary pleasure to stand in the way of long-term goals and planning.
- Am I mature for my age[by: anonygirl1999, rated: 3.67rated: 3.67/5, published: May 11, 2017]
Are you mature for you age? You will find out once you take this quiz. This quiz will be filled with fun questions that you will not believe until you take…
- How Old Do You Act?[by: aszand_58, rated: 3.57rated: 3.57/5, published: Mar 23, 2008]
Do you think you know how you act? Do you act younger than you really are? Are you more mature for your age? Or do you act your age? I don't know...take the…
- Quiz: Do you act like a 4 year old?[by: Cherise, rated: 4.12rated: 4.12/5, published: Dec 11, 2007]
Do you act like a whiny baby? Are you responsible? How volatile are you? The results of this quiz will tell you how others perceive you. Are you high…
- How mature are you?[by: Mennzz, rated: 3.36rated: 3.36/5, published: Jul 25, 2010]
Do you want to know how mature you are? Like if your a kid and you wanna see if you can beat acting like an adult, try this quiz, It's fun! :).
- Are you mature enough to have a relationship?[by: Elisa, rated: 3.28rated: 3.28/5, published: Mar 13, 2009]
The world is full of relationships of all kinds. The greatest of these is of that between two lovers. But many relationships fail around the world because of…
- How Childish Are You?[by: Kali Savage, rated: 3.22rated: 3.22/5, published: Dec 24, 2006]
This quiz is only going to somewhat politely tell you if your a immature or if you maybe a bit too mature. Somewhere in between their is the perfect score,…
- How old do you act?[by: Horserider, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: Dec 1, 2010]
Are you really as mature as you think you are? Anyone can say they act as old as they are, but not many people can mean it! Can you? Take this quiz and find…
- How Much Life Experience Do You Have?[by: Kirsty, rated: 2.96rated: 2.96/5, published: Sep 7, 2006]
There are many people in this world, universal, Have Experience their Life. What is Life? If you do not have Life, you will dead... What is Live? If you do…
- How Childish You Are[by: bhie, rated: 2.92rated: 2.92/5, published: May 31, 2007]
Being childish is normal, but not past a certain age. It's especially unpleasant to see an adult acting childish. Do you have the proper level of maturity.
- How Young Are You?[by: GlitterCakes, rated: 2.87rated: 2.87/5, published: Apr 17, 2018]
How Old Are You? This quiz was designed to tell you accurately how old you are by asking you a set of 30 questions. By taking this quiz, you are about to find…
- How Old Do You Act?[by: sara, rated: 2.31rated: 2.31/5, published: Jun 11, 2006]
There are some people who just don't act their age. There are the ones who act like they're four, and then there are the ones who are remarkably old-minded.
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