How Young Are You?

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How Old Are You? This quiz was designed to tell you accurately how old you are by asking you a set of 30 questions. By taking this quiz, you are about to find out whether you are young or old.

Are you a young child, a teenager, a young adult, middle aged, upper middle aged, or old? Take this quiz now to find out exactly how old you are! You will be surprised how accurate the results are!

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  1. How often do you watch cartoons?
  2. Are you currently attending school?
  3. Do you have a job?
  4. Which of the following selections best describes your relationship status?
  5. How long is your hair?
  6. Which of the following activities do you do the most?
  7. Do you have any fine lines or wrinkles? (Please be as specific as possible.)
  8. Which of the following phrases describes you the most?
  9. Which of the following selections describes your clothing style?
  10. Do you consider yourself to be more wise or foolish?
  11. Are you more of a lover or a fighter?
  12. How often do you breakout, meaning get zits, pimples, and acne?
  13. Which of the following places do you visit the most?
  14. What is your job?
  15. What is your special talent?
  16. How do you get your money?
  17. Which of the following phrases describes how you feel about school?
  18. Would you rather be attractive, with a horrible personality or unattractive, with a great personality?
  19. Which of the following categories represents the food that you consume the most?
  20. Which of the following foods do you find to be the most disgusting and you would NEVER consider eating?
  21. How often do you visit libraries?
  22. How good are you at spelling?
  23. Which of the following categories displays a spelling error?
  24. How clean is your room?
  25. Which of the following categories displays your favorite color?
  26. Do you consider yourself to be more considerate or careless?
  27. Do you consider yourself to be more destructive or calm?
  28. Do you have any gray hair? (Please be as specific as possible.)
  29. Do you lie a lot?
  30. Do you ever swear?

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Quiz topic: How Young am I?

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