How Much of a Butterchorone Are You?

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HELLO!!!!!! It’s me! Hi! Have you ever wondered if you’re a butterchorone or not? If you’re actually a decent person or a cold hearted monster? Well then this quiz is for you my friend!

A butterchorone is someone who is NOT jolly or festive or kind! Nobody likes butterchorones, except for other butterchorones. Time for you to find out the TRUTH. Are you a butterchorone?

Created by: Aveion
  1. Ello! This is a quiz that will tell you whether or not you are a butterchorone!
  2. For starters, do you like pineapple on pizza?
  3. How would you describe your typical behavior in public?
  4. Do you think your friends honestly like you?
  5. On a typical day, how are you feeling?
  6. Imagine your least favorite teacher giving you LOADS of homework. How do you react?
  7. You’re driving in your car and you see someone with flowers on the sidewalk next to you. They’re holding a sign asking for money. They’re looking right at you. What do you do?
  8. You’re walking somewhere and you see a very attractive individual seemingly making eye contact with you. What do you do?
  9. You notice someone nearby you trips and falls. This person has a reputation of being rude and mean to you. What do you do?
  10. You notice a person with multiple bags walking towards a place with a door. You’re kind of in a hurry to get to the place. What do you do?
  11. Your friend expresses insecurity about her appearance. She’s done this countless times before, and frankly you’re sick of hearing it. What do you do?
  12. How do you typically respond to compliments?
  13. How well do you pay attention in class?
  14. Would you ever drop kick a legit child?
  15. Be honest, are you honestly and honest person? I want an honest response
  16. Even if you don’t always agree with them, do you respect your parents?
  17. Would you consider yourself an overachiever?
  18. Do you swear a lot?
  19. Has anyone ever called you rude or mean other than your siblings (if you have any)?
  20. Do YOU think you’re a butterchorone?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a Butterchorone am I?
