How would you kill your ex bf/ex gf/ex friend/enemy

Personally I should not say this but I hate her so much I don't care if this ruins her life but I have this ex bff that I've been friends with since birth but in the beginning of 6th grade she decided I was too "weird" to be her friend so now I hold this grunge of anger every time I see her (I am a Therian and get phantom shifts when I see/hear about her) and would kill her on the spot head clean off if I could, and the thing is that her mother knew this was happening with me and Etta (her name) and did not do anything about this sorry this got so deep and I'm also the kind of person who cant live with telling a lie so this is true 100% Oh and how she decided to not be friends with me was to literally not talk to me for months and still doesn't! UNBELIEVABLE!!!
These are my true feelings about her and could help you get over yours (should I send Etta this quiz?) Sorry if this has very deep feelings this means a lot to me with my relationship with Etta