Warrior cat quiz

Hi! This is my second quiz so please don't kill me if this is horrible. I love warriors so I decided to do this a second time. All of the characters I made up so you can use their stories or just take the name I don't care.

I really like some of these characters. Sadly, none of them are medicine cats(Please don't kill me!) Some of them I elaborated more on, some I just stuck to basics. I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Fernleaf
  1. What gender do you want to be?
  2. What do you want to be?
  3. What clan do you want to be in?
  4. What main color do you want your pelt to be?
  5. Do you want kits?
  6. RP: You fall in love with a cat from another clan. You can't let anybody know or you would get kicked out of your clan. What do you do?
  7. RP: You find kits out in the forest. You look for their mother, but you can't find her. What do you do?
  8. What rank do you want to be?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. (Filler)

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