Name cats in RiverClan dont do if you havent read Warriors

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You have a thriving Clan, RiverClan. You will name the rogues who come, the kits that have queens unknowing the perfect name, rename the kits to warrior, and the apprentices willing to protect the warrior code to become a warrior.

You will see if StarClan approves of your answers. There are17 questions in total. You will probably like this, please tell me any problems or suggestions for this is my first quiz ever. Also no offense if you get 10 to 0 percent. Please don’t get offended.

Created by: Charlotte
  1. There is a she-cat who is half black and half Russian blue, with one blue eye and one yellow eye. What is her name?
  2. There is a gray kit with amber eyes who just got born, and his mother couldn’t think of a name. What will you name him?
  3. Two rogues have joined your clan because they were exiled by Brokenstar. What will you name the first one, black Tom with purple eyes and claws like a hawk’s talons?
  4. The second rogue was a red she-cat with a white mane and . What is her name?
  5. A black she-cat with red eyes and her kits, one white she-kit with red eyes, the other black tom with yellow eyes, the last one red she-kit with white paws and a white underbelly, also with white stripes on her tail. What will you name the black she-cat (the mother)?
  6. The white she-kit with yellow eyes also needs a name, so what is it?
  7. The black Tom with yellow eyes will be named what?
  8. You will name the red kit with white paws, a white underbelly, and a tail striped in white what?
  9. The gray kit on the second question is turning into a warrior! What will the second part of his name be?
  10. The white she-kit with yellow eyes from question 6 is also becoming a warrior. What is the second part of her name?
  11. The black Tom with yellow eyes from question seven is now a warrior. What is the second part of his name?
  12. The red kit with a white underbelly, white paws, and a tail striped in white is a warrior. What is her suffix?
  13. An apprentice called Blazepaw, gray with half of his face looking like it is engulfed in fire. What is his warrior name?
  14. A Russian blue tuxedo tom with a black tail and blue eyes joined your group. Also, the other one is an Abyssinian tuxedo She-cat with blue eyes. What is the tom’s name?
  15. The She-cat should also have a name, what is it?
  16. What Clan are they in, they are clever, graceful, and have pride?
  17. Did you like this? This might count for your result cuz you shouldn’t be rude

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