How Wedgieable Are You? (Quiz) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz How Wedgieable Are You? (Quiz).
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I'm really not surprised about my results, since I got super wedgieable, like I said I'm not surprised because both of my sisters wedgie me 10 times a day. And there's bullies at my school that give me atomics, flagpole, stripped, bra-connection, and messy wedgies.
Girl13242 -
What a disappointment, my result is that I am "superwedgieable", that I deserve all the wedgies more than anyone here, that it wouldn't be strange to see me hanging from the flag and worst of all is that even the inventor of this questionnaire says that He's tempted to give me a wedgie himself right now for such a result, that's low, I didn't think I was such a loser, it's as if even the living room book-eater gave me a wedgie in front of everyone :(
How Wedgieable Are You? (Quiz)
Your Result: Wedgieable 79%You'll get the occasional wedgie, and maybe every once in a while you'll be given an atomic or hanging wedgie. But, it happens to everyone.
58% Super Wedgieable!!!!!
55% Not Wedgieable
21% BullyBigbrat1 -
my bully said that it needs to be worse so give me more horrible punishments to do
RJL1 -
I'm wedgieanle ok I'm fine with that
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