Do you belong to Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter?

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Do you think you would be at Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-Blood? Are you Roman or Greek? Take this super quick and easy test to figure out which camp you belong at!

Please, no hate, but I would love feedback, and if you see any mistakes, let me know. Credits To the great Rick Riordan for writing Percy Jackson. And without further ado, let's get started.

Created by: Niko Parrish
  1. Would you rather things be messy or organized?
  2. Do you know more Greek mythology or Roman mythology?
  3. Would you rather friends or family?
  4. Do you view friends as family or associates?
  5. Would you rather a chance to prove yourself to your peers or a chance to prove yourself to your parents and elders?
  6. Do you like bright or dark colours?
  7. What do you do in your spare time?
  8. Which of these characteristics most describes you?
  9. During a game of capture the flag/war games, what would you be doing?
  10. Whould you rather your friend look up to you or would you rather your friends think your funny?
  11. Would you rather your family love you or be proud of you?
  12. Who is your favorite character? Pick your second favorite if your first favorite isn't there.
  13. Would you go on a quest?
  14. Do you want to stay at camp yearround?

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Quiz topic: Do I belong to Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter?
