Could you really be a Half-Blood?

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Have you ever wondered if you could actually be a Half-Blood? Well, take this quick test to figure out if you could actually be a half-Blood! And maybe I'll see you at camp half-blood!

Please, no hate, but I would love feedback, and if you see any mistakes, please let me know! Credits to Rick Riordan for writing Percy Jackson. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: Niko Parrish
  1. Are you deslexic?
  2. Do you have ADHD?
  3. Has anything happened that you can't explain?
  4. Do you love Greek mythology?
  5. Do you have a friend who has weird eating habits, walks like every step hurts, always wears long pants, or always smells like wet wool when they get wet?
  6. Do you think that one of your teachers may not be completely human?
  7. Do you offten experience deja vu?
  8. Do you have a parent that you have ever met?
  9. Is it possible that one of your parents may not be your parent?
  10. Do you sometimes feel like you are being watched or followed?
  11. Do you have a lot of irational fears?
  12. Can you control your dreams?

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