How similar are you to me, test it in my quiz.

This is a quiz where you can check how similar YOU are to ME. So this quiz tells me to write 150 characters sooo yeahhh I’m gonna do that, and that’s why I type all this

Try it and we will see how similar you will be, maybe you are very similar maybe not who knows not me and Definitely not you before you take this test

Created by: Sunshine
  1. What are you dreaming of
  2. What do you like to do in your free time
  3. What sport do you do
  4. What is your favourite colorrrr🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
  5. What colour is your hair
  6. Do you have a crush
  7. Who is your crush (if you have one)
  8. What are you
  9. How old are you
  10. How many siblings do you have
  11. Eyecolour
  12. Hair length
  13. Favourite food
  14. Do you know that one SUPER annoying girl/boy🧒🏼
  15. What is your type
  16. How would your friends think abt you
  17. What games are you playing
  18. What month is your bday

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to me, test it in my quiz.
