Is your OC a Y/N?

Y/N characters are similar to Mary Sues/Gary Stus, in the sense that they're a sort of self centered main character. Take this quiz to see if your OC qualifies as one of these self centered, overpowered characters !!!

I have absolutely no clue what to put here !!!!!!! I do not have this much to write about !!!!!!!!!!!!! here are a lot of exclamation points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 that worked ok!!! take the quiz now please

Created by: Elijah Copp
  1. Hair color?
  2. If your OC's hair is multicolored, why is it like that? What colors are they?
  3. Eye color?
  4. What is their personality like?
  5. How attractive are they in other characters eyes?
  6. How powerful is your OC?
  7. How intelligent is your OC?
  8. What's their backstory like?
  9. How is their love life?
  10. What is your OC's relationship with the main character?
  11. How do other characters feel about your OC?
  12. Does your OC stand out, appearance wise?
  13. Does your OC die?
  14. Is your OC flawed?

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Quiz topic: Is my OC a Y/N?
