Which Centaurworld Character Are You?

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This quiz is to see which Centaurworld Character you are. Are you a kind, caring Wammawink, or a self centered Comfortable Dough? Where do you fit in the herd?

This is just a fun, fan made quiz. This is not official, nor do I own the rights to any characters or images. Copyright belongs to Netflix and Megan Nicole Dong.

Created by: Madi
  1. Who is your favorite character? (Not who do you think you’re like)
  2. What’s your favorite color?
  3. What’s more important to you?
  4. If you could, what would you share with the world?
  5. What’s more fun?
  6. Select an item:
  7. You are best described as:
  8. Where would you rather be?
  9. Pick a subject you could write a book about:
  10. Someone dropped something, what do you do?
  11. You missed the target and lost at ring toss! How do you react?
  12. Time for bed!

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Quiz topic: Which Centaurworld Character am I?
