Do you have the same girl tased as me

This is a quiz because I was interested to see what’s you guy would get on my quiz, whether you have very similar taste to me, or not so similar! P.S. please post you score on the comets page!

So, like, this is the second boring paragraph to explain what this quiz is about and I cannot be bothered to write it all again so I am just, like, saying this cuz I know no one in there right mind would read this!

Created by: F.N.F.G
  1. What hair colour do you like them to have?
  2. And what hairstyle?
  3. How often would you like or be brought on a date?
  4. Do you like there hair to be:
  5. What type of kissing do you like?
  6. Where do you like them to be from?
  7. What would you prefer?
  8. What only you look for in a girlfriend?
  9. Would you ever cheat on your girlfriend?
  10. And would you own up if you did?
  11. what ourfit do you find the most sexy?
  12. And finally; did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I have the same girl tased as me
