How similar are you to me?

As my first quiz I thought I would make one to let any of you here get to know me, it seemed a good idea to integrate myself into the website this way.

Enjoy answering my questions and see how similar we are to one another. Unfortunately I need to write more for this paragraph... this is going to get old real fast...

Created by: Professor Shard
  1. What's your favorite colour? (More options next question)
  2. What's your favorite colour (Continued)
  3. What is your favorite film genre?
  4. What's your favorite Book Genre
  5. What's your opinion on politicians
  6. What is your gender
  7. What is your sexuality
  8. What is your age
  9. What is your opinion on my quiz (No effect, just interested)
  10. What is your favorite subject in school (Check the next question for more subjecs)
  11. What is your favorite subject (Continued)

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to me?

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