How similar are you to me?

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I don't know you, you don't know me (probably), but if you want, take this quiz to see how similar are you to me. You can be either the complete opposite or a too similar fellow.

I was bored, and thats i made this quiz. This is only for entertainment purposes, so i don't expect you to be.. I don't know, a better person after this quiz?

Created by: Renze of My YT :D
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you like to draw?
  2. Do you like showing your art to people?
  3. What is your favorite school subject?
  4. I like to ____ in my freetime.
  5. Do you animate?
  6. Gender?
  7. Sexuality?
  8. Pineapple pizza?
  9. You consider your art to be..
  10. Do you like to make music?
  11. 9 + 10?
  12. You're walking down the road and then you spot a coin laying down the sidewalk. You..
  13. Someone just complimented you.
  14. Someone insulted you.
  15. Do you have a interests on a bunch of different things?
  16. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
  17. Filler question!
  18. Do you type without capitalization and punctuation often?
  19. Dirty Minded?
  20. Do you get bored often?

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to me?
