How similar are we? (Again)

I literally barely tried with this quiz so the grammar is kinda bad. Please just ignore that.. uhm, yeah. I love doing these are we similar quizzes. Let's see.

Ok but why do I need two paragraphs.. oh well. You can stop reading now. And be sure to reach the end and see check answers before you question any of the.. questions.

Created by: _VicTheShyFox_
  1. Do you like Pokemon?
  2. What's ur favorite animal
  3. Do you wear glasses
  4. Best chip flavor?
  5. What console do you have
  6. How do you feel about social media
  7. Favorite music genre?
  8. How do you feel about Pikachu
  9. Do you like spicy stuff
  10. Cats or dogs
  11. Do you like listening to music
  12. Which one are you
  13. Do you like socializing
  14. Do you like to read
  15. Do you think having a lot of friends is somewhat overrated
  16. Have you ever been interested in dragon puppets
  17. Are you a loner at school
  18. Which one
  19. Are fire type starters overrated?

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