How Good Is Your Grammar?

Falcon here, I LOVE grammar, even so that I will correct anyone's grammar! This is just a quick quiz, to see if you line up with my grammar! This is just some mumble jumble here to add words. 200 word

This isn't meant to offend anyone. This is just a fun quiz. Thanks for visiting this! I am happy you decided to try this one out! They're so many quizzes out there.

Created by: FalconCatt
  1. How do you spell you are?
  2. How do you spell they are?
  3. How do you spell is not?
  4. (bonus question, but with no bonus :C) Is Ain't a word?
  5. Is grammar important?
  6. Why is grammar important?
  7. How many times a day do you correct grammar?
  8. Do you "personally" think you could up your grammar?
  9. Now, how'd you like this? Would you recommend this to a friend?
  10. THANKS for doing this!!! I am SO happy!

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Quiz topic: How Good Is my Grammar?
