What Angel Character Are You Most Like?

If you know me, you probably also have heard of my comic series Angel. It's about an Angel who fell from Heaven and was raised in Hell. Interesting! You should take this quiz to see which character you are most like, so you can be excited to meet them!

I of course didn't include every since character in this quiz. I tried to only include characters that are pretty much MAIN characters, have WELL DEVELOPED personalities, and have personalities that aren't TOO SIMILAR to each other. So, you can either get Angel, Mourice, Julia, David, Matthew, Cassandra, or Nathaniel. You probably don't know anything about these characters. Don't worry though. There'll be spoiler free descriptions of their personalities with each result. They won't spoil anything about the storyline or their backstories, but they do spoil their basic personalities. But who cares, right? It's not the same as an actual spoiler. You already know they are similar to you, so it's not much more. WHO CARES. JUST TAKE IT. GO. Okay thx.

Created by: Zoe of You can read the comic here!!
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your reaction when someone else is getting bullied?
  3. What is your opinion of your family?
  4. Which would you prefer?
  5. Which do you value the most?
  6. Where would you rather go on vacation?
  7. What would you do on that vacation? (if you chose quiet forest... uhhh just pretend they have restaurants and stuff lol)
  8. What would you do if you get pulled over by the police?
  9. You really feel like reading, but your friend wants to go do something. You...
  10. Uhh.. I dunno... What hair/eye color do you have?
  11. What would you say most describes your personality... IN ONE WORD?
  12. Your parent tells you that you should stay at home tonight. Your friend then tries to sneak you out to have a little fun. What do you do?
  13. What is your gender?
  14. How do you react when someone is angry?
  15. My parents are always right.
  16. Morality is strictly defined and what is right and wrong is clear, whether it be through religion or just society in general
  17. Evil people can get better with help
  18. I should do what makes me happy rather than what is expected of me
  19. Most people know who I truly am based on what they see of me
  20. science > religion
  21. When you create something you are proud of, how do you show it to people?
  22. How much do you like children?
  23. Which is your favorite?
  24. If you were stopped by a red light on a completely empty road for miles....
  25. What's ur sexuality?
  26. What word would you say LEAST describes your personality? Choose which one is NOT you. Remember. Is NOT you. Anyway.
  27. How do you act when something annoys/angers you
  28. Do you like change?
  29. Which is most accurate to you? This question is worth a lot so choose wisely! Even if they all aren't accurate, choose the best option
  30. I hope you enjoyed the quiz!!! I wish I could include more characters but still it was fun to make! Visit my instagram @zz_drawing_ to read the comic these characters are from! I hope you enjoy the character you will get!!! Did you have fun??

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Quiz topic: What Angel Character am I Most Like?
