How similar are you to me?

Here, you can find out if you are me or not! You might be in-between! Also, I am talking me, the real human being, not MagentaBean the online gamer :)

I have to put another 150-letter-long paragraph here so i'll just put letters tyurytoejnfsjdhgjrhfyhqbwagifqbjeavifqnacjbdigefbjkdguifefujaerhfruhjajf

Created by: L. A. B.
  1. Are you a girl or a boy?
  2. How old are you?
  3. do you have any pets?
  4. How many siblings? (if only child do not answer) READ EACH CAREFULLY
  5. Are you an only child? (continued from last question)
  6. What is your educational status?
  7. which sounds yummiest?
  8. What is your favorite animal? (if not here do one you like best)
  9. are you crazy?
  10. do you think you are me?

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to me?

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