How much you know about Transformers?

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This is my fan made transformers test and also are you the autobots or decepticons? Take this test and be a powerful autobot or a weak decepticon? Take this test!!!

Which one are you? The autobots or the decepticons? Take this test and see how good are you with transformers? Have fun with hasbro and cars... BYE BYE!!!!

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. Which Dinobot battled Stunticon Wildrider in a basketball match?
  2. Which one of the main characters get kidnapped by Decepticon Dead End?
  3. Which Dinobot bit Menasor in the left arm?
  4. Which main character got affected by Decepticon Swindle´s Speedy Coffee?
  5. Which Insecticon was in Autobot Sky Lynx´s mouth?
  6. Order the main cast that got affected by Onslaught´s Decepticon Virus.
  7. What was Dead End´s device called?
  8. Which Stunticon kidnapped Dinobot Slag?
  9. Which Dinobot battled Stunticon Drag Strip?
  10. Who was the leader of the main cast?

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