Which SuperBumblebeeLogan Transformers character are you?

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Welcome to Transformer stuff, which transformer are you by taking this short survey and see who you are in the transformers world? Why no so be it? Right?…

Which transformer are you by taking this survey in the web series SBL, are you an autobot or Decepticon? Take it and see who you really are in the transformers?…

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Do you think the sun is a planet?
  4. What is 2+2?
  5. What is your favorite number?
  6. Autobot or Decepticon?
  7. Are you made by toy box?
  8. What car are you?
  9. What is your arch enemy/arch nemesis?
  10. What is your stunticon identity?

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Quiz topic: Which SuperBumblebeeLogan Transformers character am I?
