Which Felix the Road Runner character are you?

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Welcome to the 70s and the 80s road runner and the transformers show… take this short survey and see who you are? By so for that… right? Please take it…

Are you an autobot or a Decepticon or the others, take this short survey and see who you really are… take it and have your own stuff with experience in hasbro and Warner bros from 1949 to 1987… right?

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your gender?
  2. Autobot or Decepticon?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. Cars, animals or fruit?
  5. What animal are you?
  6. Do you talk?
  7. Do you win at punchies?
  8. What is your role in the Nutcracker?
  9. Do you cry?
  10. Pick a letter from the alphabet.

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Quiz topic: Which Felix the Road Runner character am I?
