Which Autobot from The Transformers G1 Cartoon are you?

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The only results you can get are the five Autobots that form the autobot combiner also known as Optimus Maximus. Choose wisely and what are you? Which autobot are you gonna be?

Most of the time, transformers are the best things in the 80s cartoons and some people used to see them as real people, they can be cars or planes and whatnot…

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your placement on Optimus Maximus?
  2. Are you the leader of the autobots?
  3. Are you red and strong?
  4. Is your brother’s name is Sideswipe?
  5. Pick a vehicle
  6. Is your favorite number 26?
  7. Is your dad a ghast from Minecraft?
  8. What is your nemesis?
  9. If you see a 860 foot tall Indominus Rex, what will you do?
  10. Are you ready?

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Quiz topic: Which Autobot from The Transformers G1 Cartoon am I?
