How "Lunar Eclipse" are You?

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Hey guys! You are taking the how "Lunar Eclipse" are you quiz! I hope you enjoy the quiz and please check out my other quizzes--they are all under KrewQuizMaker!

This quiz will give you the best KF-Quiz experience because I know a lot about Lunar Eclipse and the KREW in general. Of course, I am still learning and if you find any issues with this quiz, please report them in the comments. Thank you!

Created by: KrewQuizMaker of Lunar Eclipse's YouTube Channel
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your hobby?
  2. What is your favourite color?
  3. What do you want to be when you are older? (if you're an adult click "Others")
  4. Would you ever betray your siblings? (If you are an only child, click "I have no siblings")
  5. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? (It just means do you like to talk to others "extrovert" or not "Introvert")
  6. What games do you play?
  7. Who is your favourite KREW member?
  8. What subject are you best at?
  9. What kind of person would you most likely be friends with?
  10. What do you suck at?
  11. How much do you like Lunar out of 5?

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Quiz topic: How "Lunar Eclipse" am I?
