What Lunar chronicles female character are you?

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This is a Lunar Chronicles quiz, one of my favorite book series! the site glitched and so i wasn't able to put any more optional characters in it, so yeah.

Oh also this took me awhile so I really hope you enjoy doing it as much as i enjoyed making it! thank you so much for doing my quiz! have a lot of fun!!!

Created by: Bell1225
  1. Eye color?
  2. Favorite job?
  3. Favorite color?
  4. What would you rather do one the weekend?
  5. How are you described as?
  6. What is your spirit animal?
  7. Where is your favorite place to be?
  8. What is your fav season? (out of these three)
  9. What is your fav thing to wear?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Lunar chronicles female character am I?
