Which Lunar Chronicles Girl Are You?

Take this quiz to find out what female heroine from the Lunar Chronicles book series you are most like! The options are Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter and Iko.

Please remember that this quiz isn’t 100% accurate. I did the best I could but it won’t be perfect and your result might not be the one you were expecting.

Created by: crescentmoon
  1. What would a friend or family member best describe you as? Pick the best option of these 5.
  2. Someone tells you they hate you. What do you reply?
  3. You see a tiny puppy on a busy street with a car heading straight toward it. You can try to pick it up and risk your life, or you can leave it and hope it survives. What do you do and why?
  4. What candy - fruity or chocolate?
  5. What is your go-to outfit?
  6. What is your favorite season and why?
  7. What’s your favorite type of music to listen too?
  8. What are you most afraid of out of these options?
  9. What is your favorite color out of these options?
  10. What wall color does your dream room have?
  11. Are you a morning person and why?
  12. What weird animal would you want for a pet out of these options?
  13. What’s your ideal vacation spot?
  14. If you had to choose one, what instrument would you play?
  15. What is your favorite winter activity?
  16. And lastly, did you like this quiz? This has no effect on your result.

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Quiz topic: Which Lunar Chronicles Girl am I?
