Wanna be friends? [Lunar S.A.M.S

Welcome to this small funny quiz that I have made with my version of Lunar! I did this early in the morning so don't judge me if I messed up some things.

``Heya, Lunar here! Again as Saturn said I am not the real Lunar, I'm just their version of him. Ok, after question 7 just try not to get uncomfortable and be honest. Me and Saturn want to see the kind of person you are!

Created by: Saturn
  1. ``Hello! Welcome to the quiz!!``
  2. ``What's your favorite games?``
  3. ``Are you friends with K.C, Eclipse, or the Blood Twins?``
  4. ``What's your favorite idea?``
  5. ``What do your think of me, brother Sun, and Moony?``
  6. ``What's your favorite song? ``
  7. ``How was your day today? Just asking before we move on-``
  8. ``Ok, do you think I'm a mistake like Eclipse says I am?``
  9. ``if you had to choose your fate, what would you choose?``
  10. ``If you had to choose, friends or power, what do you choose?``
  11. ``Are you trustworthy?``
  12. ``Are you willing to sacrifice your life for a friend?``
  13. ``What do you think of yourself?``
  14. ``What do you think of this quiz me and Saturn made?``
  15. ``Heya, Saturn here, just here to remind you that this is just a fun quiz, if you get something terrible then it's probably not real-``

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