What Sun and Moon Show Character Are You?

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What Sun and Moon Show character do you think you are? Figure out here! All art used is mine, so please don't use it. I hope this is at least mostly accurate lol-

Note from creator: I've been the in SAMS community since it started, I've played a lot of these quizzes and either my favorite character/s (Bloodmoon) is commonly not added, the possible results are: Sundrop, Moondrop, Eclipse, Lunar, Bloodmoon, and Monty. I apologize that some of the other popular characters aren't included, like Earth, KC, Computer, Creator, Solar Flare, and Nice Eclipse.

Created by: Alytra
  1. What is your opinion on children?
  2. What do you do in your spare time?
  3. What's your favorite subject?
  4. How many siblings do you have?
  5. What's your sexuality?
  6. What's your humor like?
  7. What are you like?
  8. Opinions on Sundrop?
  9. Opinions on Moondrop?
  10. Opinions on Eclipse?
  11. Opinions on Lunar?
  12. Opinions on Bloodmoon?
  13. Opinions on Monty?

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Quiz topic: What Sun and Moon Show Character am I?
