Which sun and moon show character would you be!

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Hello, I’m a new quiz maker but before we get into that disclaimer, not all of the answers you’ll see in this test are completely correct so please don’t get offended! If you couldn’t already tell, this is a sun and moon show character quiz if you seeing this and you didn’t just search it up that means that I probably made it to the top charts. Woo hoo!

But basically you’ll do some multi answer questions and depending on your score is what character you got! Go ahead take my test thanks for listening datnoodle out.

Created by: Datnoodle
  1. Hello ladies and or gentleman I will pick some characters and they will ask you one question each Okay?
  2. OK first guest of the night/day Moon! Moon:Sun or moon?
  3. And second-guess of the night/day is Earth! Earth: what’s your favorite food?
  4. Next guest of the day/night is Blood moon! Blood moon: can I have your blood?
  5. Next lovely guest is Sun! Sun: DO YOU LIKE GLITTER GLUE?!
  6. And our fifth lovely guest of the night/day is Solar! Solar: what’s your favorite pastime?
  7. and our sixth guest of the night/day is Gemini/pollux/castor! Gemini: what’s your star sign?
  8. This is our seventh guest of the night/day Ruin!! Ruin: do you celebrate pride if so what is your sexuality/gender? (:
  9. This is our eighth guest of the day/night Montgomery gator!Monty: what would you rate the glamrocks from 0 to 10.
  10. Our final guest of the night is lunar! Lunar: what’s your favorite color?

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