How Lazy Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Lazy Are You?
Getting there :) it's the summer hols I'm allowed
Your getting there sounds so like me!!
im getting there? im like the most athletic person ever! i barely watch tv and stay inside. unles its raining.....
JulzBaby1 -
Getting there.. Aw, come on! It's still summer, I want to enjoy being a bit lazy! :]
Getting there xP 8/10 stars
IM not a lazy bum :P -__- im hyper but lazy
im not that lazy
fatii961 -
no. ur supah rong!!! i am like the most athletic person in mah skool!!! and i do moer than "just get buy!" all of my grades are moer tham 93!!!!! PSSHH!!!!!!
Lufford1 -
im a lazy bum. lol. yes i would bring home micky D's
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