sammierox1997's Profile

Joined on May 28, 2010
Status Level: Senior
sammierox1997's Quizzes
- Spanish Sports vocab[published: Sep 16, 2013, 2 comments]
Well congrats on whatever you got. 40% is and E. 50% is a D. 60% is a C. 70% is a B. 80% is an A. 90% is an……
- What Type Of Body Do You Have??[published: Aug 28, 2012, 4 comments]
Yeah um hi this quiz is on body types but that's kind of obvious by the title so I wouldn't even……
- What's your inner animal?[published: Aug 27, 2012, 2 comments]
Our World is filled with glorious animals; mammals, reptiles, amphibians and more. Each animal varies……
- Do you know the Lyrics??[published: Aug 27, 2012]
So yeah pretty simple if you dont understand your evidently not very clever... So yeah choose te……
- Are we anything alike?[published: Jun 21, 2012, 6 comments]
Everyone is Individual, however some people are alike never exactly the same but alike. Even Twins can't……
- Do you know the Phonetic Alphabet?[published: Sep 23, 2011]
The phonetic Alphabet is basically words with the letter at the front e.g. A 'A'pple (P.S.……
- What Colour is your energy?[published: Sep 07, 2011, 31 comments]
Your energy is basically your aura, Please bear in mind it changes so there's a good chance you'll……
- Are you in love? Discover the truth (Boys and Girls)[published: Aug 26, 2011, 2 comments]
Hia, I created this quiz to analyze every aspect of your relationship and……
- First Aid: Could you save a life?[published: Aug 19, 2011, 3 comments]
Could you save a life? Would you know what to do if someone had a heart attack? One in three……
- Will you loose your teeth????[published: Aug 19, 2011, 3 comments]
We all know the basic knowledge about our teeth but how much do we really know? This quiz will……
- How much do we agree on Love and Life?[published: Aug 19, 2011, 8 comments]
Everyone has different beliefs, however some of us may believe the same this quiz will……
- What does your birthstone mean (June-December)[published: Aug 16, 2011, 8 comments]
Everyone has a birthstone because everyone was born- i think. Each birthstone……
- What does your Birthstone mean (January to May)[published: Aug 16, 2011, 5 comments]
Everyone has a Birthstone obviously because everyone was born- I think. Each……
- How Selfish are you????[published: Aug 13, 2011, 4 comments]
Selfish-person who always thinks about themself. Is this you??? I hope not. Want to test it take my……
- Are you a Country or City Girl???[published: Aug 06, 2011, 2 comments]
PLEASE TAKE MY QUIZ!!!!!!!!!! :D I can promise it will be awesome ;) Pretty Please, Pretty……
- Human Body Quiz[published: Jul 19, 2011, 3 comments]
The human body is a fascinating thing and scientists have been researching it since time began nd are learning……
- What does your Fav Colour say about you??????[published: Jul 18, 2011, 30 comments]
Obviously there are thousands of colours in gazillions of different shades and……
- How well do you know the Rounders Rules?[published: Jul 16, 2011, 1 comment]
Rounders is a sport played by both genders but mainly girls especially in schools.……
- Do you belong together[published: Jul 13, 2011, 5 comments]
In this world there is a person idealy matched to someone, they will go through numerous lives searching……
- How Clean are YOU??[published: Jul 08, 2011, 6 comments]
There are many clean people out there and a few hygine freaks. Hygine freaks are recognisable and hopefully……
- Which Star Sign Do You Act Like??[published: Jul 08, 2011, 57 comments]
There are 12 different star signs sadly this only covers 10 so sorry guys. It excludes……
- What does your zodaic sign say about you? No2[published: Jul 03, 2011, 2 comments]
Hi this is a cintinuation from my previus if you are not Sagittarius or Capricorn,……
- What does your Zodaic sign say about you?(ACCURATE)[published: Jul 02, 2011, 27 comments]
- A (VERY HARD) Chocolate Test[published: Jul 02, 2011, 4 comments]
Everyone thinks they know everything about Chocolate but there is os much more to it than you know,……
- HOW ALIKE ARE WE?? (Looks wise)[published: Jun 21, 2011, 15 comments]
Many people are alike yet many are different. It helps to have some similar intrests and some……
- The Stupid Test[published: Jun 18, 2011, 2 comments]
There are many stupid quizzes on but this is by far one of the most ridiculous possible. Hope you……
- How Strong Are You Mentally???[published: Jun 17, 2011, 25 comments]
Mental Strngth is something that just generally helps keep your life on track and running……
- Could you live with Wolves??[published: May 29, 2011, 3 comments]
Lmao Wolves are one of the most beautiful creatures ever to grace the planet. They play so many……
- Riddle Master!!!![published: May 28, 2011, 14 comments]
There are tons of riddles some more complex and obvious than others. Personall I love riddles. If you do too……
- Guess the Spanish food words!!!!!![published: May 19, 2011, 8 comments]
Taking on a different language is always diffcult I have been learnign spanish for 3 years……
- Which Endangered Species are you?[published: May 07, 2011, 2 comments]
With nearly a quarter of all mammal species and a third of amphibians threatened with……
- How ready are YOU for a Boyfreind or Girlfreind??[published: May 03, 2011, 16 comments]
There are many different types of Relationships wether gay or staight. Who……
- How ADDICTED to Gotoquiz are you??[published: Apr 26, 2011, 9 comments]
Gotoquiz is one of My favourite sites ever and I believe I'm addicted either that or I'm a……
- Which Chocolate are you????????[published: Apr 26, 2011, 11 comments]
Chocolate is one of the best things ever given to makind or at least thats what I belive :)……
- Which Supernatural Book should you read???[published: Apr 26, 2011, 3 comments]
There are thousands of Books on Supernaturals, some more famous than others.……
- Could you look after a dog??[published: Apr 24, 2011, 3 comments]
Dogs are the most common pets across the world and 9 in 10 people love dogs and 8 in 10 own own one……
- Are you a Reflex Reject??[published: Apr 24, 2011]
Reflexes are a Natural thing everyone is born with. They are passed through genes but can be increased……
- Which Gender should you be??[published: Apr 22, 2011, 4 comments]
As far we know there are Only two genders on this planet; Male and Female. ……
- Which TY Beanie are you?[published: Apr 21, 2011, 7 comments]
Ty Beanies are yet another famous Company they produce thousand of products but this is based on The TY……
- Which Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Are You?![published: Apr 21, 2011, 4 comments]
Ben and Jerrys are are a famous Ice cream company that are well known and……
- How Good are you at English?[published: Apr 21, 2011, 2 comments]
English is said to be one of the Hardest Languages to learn obviously if you are English it's easy……
- Which Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream are You???[published: Apr 21, 2011, 1 comment]
Ben and Jerrys are a Worldwide Famous Ice Cream company that make Millions through……
- Which Season are you?? (Pretty Pictures)[published: Apr 19, 2011, 3 comments]
Here on Earth we Have four Season Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter each lasting……
- What Sport should you do??[published: Apr 19, 2011, 3 comments]
There are thousands of Sports and thousands of players of all different races, shapes and sizes. But……
- How should you wear your hair??? (Girls Only)[published: Apr 18, 2011, 12 comments]
There are so many ways girls style there hairs and industrys make thousands and……
- How much are you appreciated??[published: Apr 18, 2011, 1 comment]
Different People show there appreciation in different ways. Some by giving money, some by praise……
- How Beautiful are you??[published: Apr 16, 2011, 17 comments]
Everyone is Beautiful in there own special way after all the world would be boring if we all looked the……
- How Bad is your life????[published: Apr 16, 2011, 13 comments]
In life there are Good points and Bad points, absolute tragedies and amazing Joys. However it goes we……
- Guess the song lyrics[published: Apr 14, 2011, 1 comment]
Have selected some songs from my Ipod to see if you actually 1. Know the song 2. Can guess the Lyrics I……
- How much can you guess about me??[published: Apr 14, 2011, 7 comments]
Each one of us Are Individual and special (Me: Special needs (jk) and no offence to anyone who……
- How much Text Abbreviation do you know??[published: Apr 09, 2011, 9 comments]
Over 90% of the earths population text everyday, it's the most common way of……
- Where Should You Go On Holiday??[published: Apr 08, 2011, 2 comments]
There are so many amazing places in the world we'd like to Visit and thanks to the transport……
- How addicted to Chocolate are you??[published: Apr 06, 2011, 4 comments]
chocolate quiz created by me whoop whoop bored now i honestly feel like this is the most……
- Would I date you??[published: Apr 03, 2011, 10 comments]
There are tons of couples all over the world, being normal or gay who cares to be honest?? But some couples……
- How do you release your anger?[published: Apr 02, 2011, 1 comment]
Bored, LOLROFLLMFAOPMSLSBIU-try and work that one out lol ok here ya go... laughing out loud……
- How much do you know about Earthquakes??[published: Mar 30, 2011, 1 comment]
Earthquakes one of the most Destructive natural processes also one of the most……
- Which Ipod App are you??[published: Mar 27, 2011, 4 comments]
There are many apps for the Ipod and Iphone from Ibooks to deer Hunter the wide selection is bound to……
- Which Twilight Girl Are You Really?[published: Feb 16, 2011, 2 comments]
So you really wanna know what twilight girl you are Esme, Rose, Alice and Bella. Well then……
- Twilight Vampire or Twilight Werewolf?[published: Feb 15, 2011, 4 comments]
Billions of Twilight fans have adopted a team. The Furry Funny Werewolves, Or the caring,……
- Are You Smart or Sporty or Both?[published: Feb 11, 2011, 8 comments]
There are tons of people out there being stereo typed as nerds and jocks when really all it……
- How Impatient are you?[published: Feb 06, 2011, 4 comments]
Impatient otherwise known as short tempered. Many Impatient people brace are planet causing trouble and……
- Runaway Werewolf part 1[published: Feb 05, 2011, 6 comments]
This is my first story quiz. It's actually based on a story I'm writing at the moment. It's ok once you……
- How much do you know about ferrets?[published: Jan 28, 2011, 2 comments]
So you think you know stuff about ferrets huh?? Well lets see shall we c: Will you join the……
- What elemental wolf would you be?[published: Jan 27, 2011, 14 comments]
Here we go my 4th quiz now..I think. This one is all about finding out what elemental wolf you……
- Is she really your best mate??[published: Sep 27, 2010, 7 comments]
Is she really your mate, made this after me and my bezzo split up but we still freinds ……
- Werewolf, Vampire or Shapeshifter?[published: Sep 26, 2010, 10 comments]
You ever wondered what supernatural being you would be? Well take this quiz and find out, Go……
sammierox1997's Recent Posts
"I work in a butchers as my Saturday job and they sell rabbit. A lot of locals buy it it's surprisingly popular"
"Be an assassin, for like a day then I'd retire :) No school or No Food?"
"Keith Lemon. The man annoys me I would enjoy seeing him suffer :D"
"Be a murderer. See your best friend get killed or your parents"
"Raining :) not as slippy or below freezing at least I can have spring showers too! Hate a guy that loves you or love a guy th"
"It keeps saying an error has occured, but I know ive defo got the titile and password right"
"I came on here like 3 years ago :/. My School blocked the website :P"
"Escape prison, if i can do it once i can do it again :) No sense of touch or No sense of taste?"
"Hey :) I'm online just recently started coming back too"
"WTF? To the previous :) No arms or No legs?"
"Charlie Higson The Fear"
"Spiders ill just squash them. Walk upside down or speak backwards all your life?"
"Fortunately they are playing anyway so we are just living with it :) To person above: think you meant unfortunately. Or am I "
"Fortunately I wasn't seriously injured and can run fast."
"Fortunately the police were too busy trying to stop the fight so I could run off into the woods and escape."
sammierox1997's Recent Quiz Comments
"Kinda crazy :P"
1 -
"White. I'm not going to my schools prom though :P"
1 -
"24% :)"
1 -
"Pink :/ nah I look best blue and maroon :) had to leave the shop question btw I ain't American/Canadian haven't heard of half of them shops"
1 -
"60% suits me :)"
1 -
"Fall but I'm a Winter born :)"
1 -
"100% pretty easy quiz though the lyrics 9/10 times gave the title away"
1 -
"A ball :)"
1 -
"50/50 I'm a balanced person, good&bad yin&yang"
1 -
"Orange true real pissed off with mams boyfriend right now"