vampiregirl33's Profile

Joined on Aug 5, 2011
Status Level: Novice
vampiregirl33's Quizzes
- a really long story (Girls only)[published: Aug 22, 2011, 3 comments]
thank you no one really reads these but who really cares lalalalalalalaqlalalalalalalalalalalal……
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vampiregirl33's Recent Quiz Comments
"im smart and i like myself that way and im not changing because a stupid quiz told me to"
1 -
"i can do whatever i want to help my friends and the loved ones ( including my boyfriend)"
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"I got accident haha thats true i almost got killed in a car crash!!"
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"Uncle Gilbert?!?! this quiz sucks my dadsss balls"
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"oh my friends name is Katie i just put down a random name haha "
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"oh ya i got that bom bom pow"
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"Dude my eyes are brown and you guessed that right omg you know my eye color"
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"lol i did singing for the talent show every year and they said they loved my voice and in cheer leading they wanted to hear out voices for…"
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"i miss Gabe i liked Zach before know im moving over to Gabe because that's my boyfriends name and it's for good luck charlies Bradley…"
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"hey i took a shower last night don't you be calling me stinky i got 40% that's crap"