Hogwarts Love Story Part 2 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Hogwarts Love Story Part 2.
@natuhleegayle,I had the book next to me as I wrote it! Yes,my friend,there will be some sentimental moments with Remus and maybe Harry ;) I agree Oliver is adorable!
@Jayla,Y eah,I love magical creatures so I just decided that "your" great-great grandfather or something was half vampire,or even a full vampire!
@Freeze,I don't even know for myself what mysteries will unfold through the "years"! But I promise it will not end badly for "you"!
@Bluebird,I barely know what will happen in the next part,but the ideas always come to me at such random times,like when I'm in school,and I suddenly start grinning madly and people are like "umm..are you ok there...?!"
Haha! Nice tactics with the books! Better than me, I thought I memorized the speech off by head! You made Oliver so shy and cute~! I find that adorable! I really want to see some sentimental moments with Remus and harry! I think that will be so adorable! Can't wait for the next one!
:D I love how you incorporated some of the actual words from the book. This series definitely is on my need-to-follow list. Part 3!
@xxblutixx,Yeah,I had the book right next to me and I was reading it while I wrote!Part 3 coming soon! (hopefully!)
@amaz ingfulyweird,No "your" parents were magical.They were just...friends with Hermione's I guess!
Oh wait. Nevermind the last comment I deleted it.
I'm loving this series so far! I simply must have the next one! Can't wait and as always, I'll be looking ;)
Bluebird1 -
Loved it! You have a great start and I can't wait to see what's going to unfold in the mysteries of this series!
Freeze1 -
awesome! and aww Voldemort killed my parents.. and if mine and Hermione's parents were friends, were my parents muggles too?
next part pleeeeeeaaase!
Keeper! HA!
Dia_331 -
AMAZING! It's like the book and I can't wait for part 3 and "I'M" PART VAMPIRE AND LUPIN IS "MY" UNCLE?! YES XD Love it so far and put the next part soon, PLEASE???
Jayla1 -
Ooops,I accidentally put the same question in twice!
Part three is out!
Nice quiz!!!! Post up the next part soon!
@Calypso1315,Thank you! The next part will be out soon :)
Yay!!! Now I got Harry!!!!!
I LOOOOOVE this story!:O
I got haryy!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!! I love your story.
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