Harry PotterLove Story Part 2inspired by natuhleegayle | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Harry PotterLove Story Part 2inspired by natuhleegayle.
Simply brilliant. Phenomenal even!
I'm happy to get you started and brush up on your writing skills, but after that, you improve massively which is simply astonishing and amazing. Without all that dialogue, your detail and characters are spot on! There is also emotion in this which really touched my heart as well as there were some assets that were incredibly different than the other Hogwarts stories out there. For example, Cho with Oliver? That's a heartbreaker for sure and a sweet, sophisticated Ron? That's extremely rare to come across, well, I see it but not for this long. I know that the detail and work put into this was a lot and it's very hard but trust me, the result pays off in the end! It's a major improvement from part one; it's better than how I started out, believe me! I was still writing small and vaguely but as I decided to work harder, it payed off! You're just starting off but I see great things coming from you and this story if you persevere and keep at it! As the options stated, I'm always happy to help and it was a joy working with you as well as everyone else!
Also, don't rush your series too fast! Keep creating a plot and surprise the readers but let them blend in harmony as you continue to write!
I'm looking forward to Part 3!
please do continue.. i like your series and i love natuhleegayle's harry potter series as well.. you guys are brilliant writers.. please take my other quiz.. not your average love story part 1 and 2.. sorry if you dont like me to promote it here.
Oliver was just so fudging cute....
CONTINUE IT MORE PLEASSZEEEZEZEZ~ lolz I actually, LOVE this series.. and I saw chibi-Draco for my result he's cuteee~! yeyyey! ( I want to put a heart symble but it cuts those off.. ) How far will this series go? also, how long till next partt? I can't wait :D
RinRin1 -
Cool ^_^ I love Oliver:)
Thanks Nat! That means a lot coming from you. XStaylovelyX
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