RinRin's Profile

Joined on Mar 26, 2012
Status Level: Junior
RinRin's Quizzes
- Would you like my quiz stories?[published: Apr 11, 2013, 3 comments]
It's a quiz! I may doubt some people taking it. Hello, it's a quiz. About stories and me being……
- Unfortunate Story (Part 3)[published: Jun 02, 2012, 9 comments]
Part 3 of my failure of a quiz seires D: lolz I hope no one's mad at me for not putting this out……
- Unfortunate Story (Part 2)[published: May 24, 2012, 5 comments]
I dun't know if you'll like, so I'm sorry if you dun't and uhm, yeah, so nothing left to put so i'll……
- Unfortunate Story.[published: May 16, 2012, 6 comments]
This is the begining of my series. I don't know if you'll live it, but I'll hope you do. Uhm, so you don't……
- .Begining of maybe series.[published: Apr 27, 2012, 4 comments]
So, would you like my 'maybe' quiz series? It's not offical until I write the story a little more of……
- Weird quiz of Nothingness[published: Apr 27, 2012, 9 comments]
Hello! Don't be mad about this if you don't like random quizzes. If you do, thanks I guess... Uhm...……
RinRin's Recent Posts
"Uhm, is it bad that I pretty much like all quotes? lolz"
RinRin's Recent Quiz Comments
"Can I hazh link? ;w;"
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"Yay, a quiz related to Amnesia :D I love Amnesia, I want to play the otome game."
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"Re-submitting to change a detail.Name: Rin the Pink Sheep
Gender: Female
Age: She doesn't openly give out her age, but she's…"
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"-Also I hope my idea for a character wasn't stupid, I generally have odd characters with multiple personas, and styles-"
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"I RAN OUT OF ROOM. Sorry, if that's in way too much detail, if you'd like to know her secret, I'd say it, but it may be a spoiler for her…"
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"Is this too late? Not shure.
Name: Rin the Panda
Gender: FemaleAge: She doesn't openly give out her age, but she's…"
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"Gwah, it's hard to pick a guy that I liiike. & also, Cho annoys me all the time. lolz."
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"45%, lowest score outta these other people.. LOW~"
1 reply1 -
"100%, I've only watched the anime... Need to read the manga! (Anime count watched: 3)"
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"I think something from the pop genre. lolz I dun't know why, but i'd like to see something like that. And I think something like Lady Gaga…"