aina_msia's Profile

Joined on Apr 22, 2012
Status Level: Novice
aina_msia's Quizzes
- not your average love story part 3[published: May 27, 2012, 5 comments]
so, this is my 3rd part of not your average love story. hope you guys like it.. frankly……
- not your average love story part 2[published: May 24, 2012, 2 comments]
ok .. this is the second part of not your average love story .. i hope you like this part..……
- not your average love story[published: May 19, 2012, 10 comments]
ok, so i got to admit that maybe this part one is not good enough. and maybe its a bit lame and old……
aina_msia's Recent Posts
"owh really?? wow.. we have really different time zone.. owh well, enjoy your party, icy. ^_^ happy birthday!! *hugs icy really tight* (good ..."
"right now... its 11.55 pm.. almost midnight.. i live in Malaysia.. its a small country in asia.."
"owh no! mom alert.. my mom just told me to get to bed now.. sorry.. got to leave your partY a bit early,, TT .."
"yum2!.. what flavour is the cake, icy??"
"yeah. cake!! what a cute bunny!!"
"haha.. reasonable name for a poop, icy.. xD"
"haha.. another animal and i think you could start your very own mini zoo, icy.."
"haha.. and june 20 is today... and thats why we are all celebrating it now.. ^^"
"my birthday is on september 6th.. still far.. huhu.. :("
"icy, take good care of the kitty.. what do you want to call it? and the baby dragon's name also? and the dog?.. so many pets.."
"when is your birthday, anri?? what kind of quiz, carrotop? @icy: yep.. wish it is real.."
"so many gifts.. i'm so jealous.. haha.. yep.. i'm sure baby dragons are cute.."
"its a..... *drums r0ll*... a baby kitty cat... sorry if you are a more a dog person.."
"hello, anri.. :) nice meeting you guys.. ^_^"
aina_msia's Recent Quiz Comments
"tomboy? really? i'm not even good in sports and i dont think i'm a tomboy.. so.. quite inaccurate.. "
1 -
"You got the Shy boy.
This boy likes you because he can tell that you very kind. He tries to make you happy when you in a sad or…"
1 -
"Vintage, and Retro
You're style is vintage, and indie. You tend to enjoy clothes that are pale, or neutral colors, like brown,…"
1 -
"haha,, i got status X.. very funny,, ^_^ i might post them on my facebook page.. xD"
1 -
"Haha.. i love this series.. i love how firey soul made it so comedy-like.. i laughed a lot while reading.. couldnt stop laughing.. ^_^ love…"
1 -
"Your Result: You are an Angel
Kindness and perfection is your strongest asset as a person, which makes you angelic! Your element…"
2 -
"i think its great . but its quite short.. and if you put more parts with A in the next part, then you should make him an option also.. but…"
1 -
"loved it!! quite original.. i cant wait for the next part .. ^_^"
1 -
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Icy!! hope you have a wonderful day today.. and received many love and gifts from your loved ones.. "
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"its a bit short.. make it longer next time.. ^^ love it.."