When Worlds Collide (part 5)

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Hey guys, welcome to part 5 of When Worlds Collide. Enjoy as always... but be warned. Bryan fangirls; I'm sorry, but Bryan gets made fun of a lot here. Plus the answers are whacked... that's nothing too out of the ordinary. xD

Recap: Bryan gets drunk at the party and he says a bunch of stupid things in front of Justin. Then he ends up revealing his secret to Justin by telling (and showing) him that he's a dark angel.

Created by: Firey_Soul
When Will I Die Test
  1. ***(still) Justin's P.O.V*** I was pretty sure what I was seeing was real, but just to make sure I wasn't tripping out or anything, I blinked a couple of times. Bryan's wings and gold eyes were still there. "Wow... I- I didn't think..." I stuttered at a loss for words. "Pfffttt! I told you I'ma dark angel!" Bryan blurted out. He stumbled twords me, leaning on my shoulder. "Shhhh, don't tell anyone!" Bryan whispered. The blue glow appeared around Bryan again and he changed back into his human form. "What are we doing in here?" Bryan asked. Oh no... here come the giggles again...
  2. ***TIME FORWARD*** ***Bryan's P.O.V.*** My eyes slowly opened, but abruptly closed again when a painful ray of sunshine hit them. "Uggggh!" I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. Wait, covers? I'm in a bed? Where am I? I sat up right away. That was a bad idea, the intense throbbing I felt in my head made me flop back down on the bed. I had a headache from hell. As painful as it was, I had to look around the room to see where I was. Oh whew! I was in my own room... but how did I get here? Oh, I remember. We must've came home from the party. Now I only remember a few details from the party... I got drunk, didn't I? Well, that would explain this massive headache. Just then, my door opened.
  3. Jinx was standing in my doorway. Her dark red hair was in pigtails and her exotic green eyes looked as bright as ever. "Hey, Jinx." I mumbled. She smiled. "Hi Bryan. How are you feeling?" she asked "Kind of s---ty." I replied, but managed to give a weak smile. "Oh, sorry to hear that." She said, her smile fading. "It's fine. My fault, not yours." I replied. "I'm just gonna go downstairs to, ow! ...get some asprin." I managed to get out of bed. "Don't you wanna put some pants on first?" Jinx asked, raising an eyebrow. "Pants are for squares." I replied as I headed down the stairs.
  4. ***Allissa's P.O.V.*** Skye, Chris and I were sitting in the kitchen talking, when Bryan trudges in wearing nothing but plaid boxers. "It's 2:30 in the afternoon, Bryan. About damn time you wake up!" I teased. "And put on some pants, why don't ya?" Chris added. "Ah, shut up, Allissa. And Chris, if you've got it, flaunt it." Bryan said, answering both of us. Bryan sent a quick smile Skye's way. She blushed and smiled back. I rolled my eyes. Bryan opened up the cabinet and got some asprin. "Hangover?" Chris guessed. Bryan nodded as he popped the pills into his mouth. "I feel like s---." Bryan complained. "Well you look like s--- too." Chris said, noting the dark circles under his bloodshot eyes and his uber messy hair. "What is this? National 'Critisize Bryan' day?" Bryan asked. "Yup!" I replied jokingly. "Come celebrate with us." Skye added. Bryan smiled a bit and took a seat next to Chris. "Okay, well since it is that day, could one of you please tell me what happened at the party?" He asked. Skye, Chris, and I smiled. "You made a complete ass out of yourself, Bryan." I said. "Oh crap... what did I do?" Bryan asked, biting his lip nervously.
  5. ***Bryan's P.O.V.*** "Well, let's not bring up the 7 minutes in heaven thing..." Allissa mumbled. I raised my eyebrows and looked at her. "Okay, yeah. I probably don't want to know..." I said. "Moving right along, do you remember Justin?" Chris asked. The name seemed vaguely familiar to me. I closed my eyes trying to get a better picture of him. "Tall, thin, brown eyes and hair, nerdy?" I questioned. "Yup, that's him." Chris replied. "Anyway, we started talking to him and you said quite a few stupid things." "Like...?" I asked. "You told him about your pet rock, Rocky." Chris answered. "Oh, whoops. I got rid of that rock in 5th grade, you know." I said. "I know," Chris replied. "But you acted like you still had the thing." "Hey! Do not call Rocky 'a thing!'" I thought. I saw Allissa stifle a giggle. Crap! She probably heard my thought. "Aw, Rocky the rock. That's cute." Skye gushed. I'm I blushing? 'Cause it feels like it. "What else did I say?" I asked, still feeling more curious than embarassed. "Let's see..." Chris said with a devious smile. "You told Justin about how you scraped your weenis on the bottom of the pool last week." My eyes widened. "Did I really use the word 'weenis' in public?" I asked. Chris nodded. "Bryan!" Allissa scolded. "We had an agreement that the word 'weenis' never leaves the mansion!" Skye looked confused. "Exuse me, but Bryan scraped his what on the bottom of the pool?!?" she questioned. Allissa and Chris busted out laughing. "Weenis." Allissa said. "Um, you know. It's slang for your elbow." I explained, holding up my wee- I mean elbow, revealing the almost healed scab. "Oh," Skye said grinning. "I get it now."
  6. "Anyway... I'm gonna go now." I said. "Where are ya going?" Allissa asked. "Back to bed. Screw it." I answered. "Lazy ass." Chris joked. I flipped him off and went back upstairs. I didn't even have to look back to know Chris was rolling his eyes and smiling. "Jeez." I thought as I got back into bed. "I really did make an ass out of myself... oh well. At least it was in front of a guy and not a cute girl." I was pretty sure I didn't say anything that would totally ruin my reputation.
  7. ***TIME FORWARD*** Everything was a bit hazy. What I could see was Justin's eyes, which were wide as he stared at my black wings and gold eyes. This was the first time a human has actually seen me in my magical form. I didn't seem to be too worried, in fact I felt like laughing for no apperent reason... I woke up with a gasp and took in the familiar surroundings of my room. Judging by the dim light coming from outside, it was 5 or 6 in the morning. "Oh, it was just a dream." I mumbled to myself. There's no way Justin can actually know my secret. I let out a sigh of relief. However, my relief didn't last long when I was hit with a sudden realization. I felt like I was just slapped across the face. I remebered it now. That wasn't just a dream... it really happened! Justin... he knows. "Oh my god!!!!!!" I thought, burrying my face in my hands. "What am I going to do now?!?!"
  8. ***Justin's P.O.V.*** I know it was way too early in the morning to get up (especially on a Sunday!) But I couldn't get the image of Bryan in his dark angel form out of my mind. I could've said something to Stella or Cory... but I didn't. I don't know why I didn't. All I know is that I have to tell them now. I'm sure they'll be intrested knowing that there are other supernatural beings out there.
  9. ***TIME FORWARD*** 9:00 in the morning. I picked up my phone and dialed Stella's number. She answered after about 3 rings. "Hello?" "Hi Stella." I said nervously. "Hey Jus, what's up? It sounds like something's wrong." Stella responded, sounding concerned. "Nothing's wrong." I replied. "It's just that... you're not going to believe this but..."
  10. CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You already know what's going to happen... or do you? Anywho, I thought this was a good place to put a cliffhanger. Plus my eyeballs are about to fall out of my head, but I'm determined to post this today! Anyway, hope y'all liked and possibly got a good laugh. Uhhh... have a nice day, or night or whatever. :P

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