Is My OC a Mary-Sue? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Is My OC a Mary-Sue?
Forty eight percent Mary sue, they do have a few indifferent things like being blinded in one eye from abuse and having a few powers from star clan but nothing overly dramatic. They fled from their abusive owners though and will eventually join a clan to discover their future powers,family and strength. Their main power is gonna be able to predict the future I think. Cool quiz anyways mate.
Zimswife3 -
This was a very interesting quiz! I never even considered the effects of misogyny and ableism on fandom culture. I got a 64% but I’m generally satisfied with what I got.
It’s so freeing to write characters who you find interesting and possess unique traits.
My character, an object oc, is a character very dear to me because one of her core themes is disability. As someone who’s struggled with autism and emotional / social disabilities it was freeing to write a character as insecure as I am learning to love herself.
She’s suffered far worse than I have, parental abuse, sexual abuse, transitioning in an unsafe environment and the ramifications of not being able bodied. Regardless, if I could meet her, I’d give her a big hug, and I’d ask first of course.
By putting your soul into a character, you learn how to love yourself from an onlookers perspective, and forgive the things you find insecurity in.
Kitlanna1 -
48-percent Mary-Sue!! Honestly I expected it to be way higher since my oc was written to be intelligent and extremely great at combat, but I guess i was wrong ;-; (parents are alive and well,never abused, she did have childhood trauma but it's more about finding herself and who she is, she's got a superiority complex which makes others hate her, and she may be flashy but she's not conveniently attractive T-T), cool quiz btw!
I didn't know what my OC is gonna be 40% Mary sew, but it's not bad also. And yes, my OC is like a ghost in a robot (not fnaf), and i didn't know how to answer on some questions. And yeah, i wanna write fanfic about my OC's and other fandoms they related to, but i can't write it bc i don't have any fantasy. Maybe on holidays i will write about them.
Huh, I didn't expect my Mean OC Satania Morningstar to be 26% Mary sue due to the fact she is an archdemon more than her son Kristen Morningstar who is just half of her and is quite flawed because of his mom my first OC being very unkind due to relationship that she couldn't get over with....
This is an awesome quiz! It was really detailed and well thought, especially with 50 questions XD
I got 45% on one of my OC's, which I believe is pretty accurate, as they are a bit old.
I got a 58%, higher than I expected but overall I'm happy my oc isn't that bad, I haven't drawn her or wrote about her yet, just made scenarios, so I wasn't sure how to answer some questions. She's a scream 1996 oc btw.
Idkdog1 -
I thought there would be more than 80 percent there, but no, there are only 47 of them. On some questions I didn’t know what to answer, because my character is essentially part of the canon (this is my friend’s fandom) :
nickname1 -
Hehe. Got 61% for a Dandy's World character who's a somewhat unpopular flirt who eventually twists at the end. (She's a bomb, her head explodes.)
Im so glad I didnt get any higher lol
My OC in some ways could be called a Mary Sue, but I took this quiz so I know it actually is all balanced.
I didn't know what to answer really in the questions about women cause my oc is a gay male in closet, in the story, he's still figuring that out, like, he's confused. (Before anything, I'm not gay, I'm bisexual) Also he's a student in middle school so often in the story he's just wearing the uniform or clothes that his mom picks for him, which would be that one kind of t-shirts everyone has already seen in their lives, yk what I'm talking about you actually probably see it every time you go out
Matmat0 -
I got 50%! Quite accurate. The quiz can be a little bit confusing, but still amazing!
Pecky1 -
I'M SORRY HAPPY THAT MY OC ISN'T A MARRY SUE!! 52 percent! I was worried it might be more than 60 percent but I was glad that was less that that
I was sure he was 100000% Mary-Sue, but got only 28. XD
He found an excuse.
great quiz, I love it!Vyshcha2 -
40% my oc is the villain lol (a dragon trying to get a ghost out of the shadow) i hope i write it down someday.
Cae Luz1 -
I don’t think my OC would be a Mary sue because of how unreasonably WEAK she is… I purposely made her an opposite Mary Sue. Maybe there needs to be a strength question
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