Who are you in the Warrior cat World! (not in the book)

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Who are you in the Warrior cat World??? My characters are made up. So no fire star, or Gray stripe! I will make one with original cats if this turns out good. SO PLEASE LEAVE A COMENT TO TELL ME ADVICE!!!

Please give me the rating of your choice! good or bad. This will help me know not to do more or to make more. I have been reading warriors since age 7!

Created by: QuizWhiz
  1. Do you have Siblings?
  2. Tom?
  3. Do you read a lot of Warriors books?
  4. Clan or life?
  5. Age?
  6. You see a sleeping cat in the forest on your territory. You don't know the clan
  7. Would you rather be...
  8. Would you rather be..
  9. Would your background of choice be..
  10. Fav clan
  11. Are you smart?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the Warrior cat World! (not in the book)
