Do I need to go to a mental hospital? | Comments, Page 2
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Do I need to go to a mental hospital?
Possibly,sounds about right sense I do get abused alot by my parents often and manupalited by them alot but I'm not crazy I'm just tired of it and can't wait to move out when I'm able to.
ik it may seem hard at home right now and trust me i understand what it's like living in a toxic household, but it gets better and moving out and getting ur own place will be ur time for healing. And trust me the healing process is the hardest but u will get through it and you'll make something of yourself.
i'm 16 and i just don't know what to do, nobody knows about my bulimia or my self harm or my restriction, i just dont know what to do anymore i'm so tired of living like this everyday why cant i just be normal
I have self-harmed. It's not fun. Please try reaching out, even if it's a close friend. If someone is truly there for you, then they'll stay with you. You need to get help. Even if this was a month ago, you still need help. As for your bulimia, you should try water and slowly work your way up to bigger and thicker things. And don't drink an entire glass of water, just try one or two sips. When you feel the urge to self-harm, call or text someone. You don't have to tell them why you're reaching out, just that you want to talk. Put down whatever you harm yourself with and distract yourself with music, art, or something else. If it's the pain you do it for, then hold a plank. No matter your age, you need help.
Is there even a such thing as ¨help¨ for me anymore.. its gotten so bad its been 3 years and a half without any help. im on the edge man. :(
ive took all i can take.. no more.
I can help, I know how you feel, I will always be there to help anyone!So just tell my the prob in my official thread(Star Clan) and I will answer.
I got 91 and honestly my parents aren't gonna be nice about it
BeeSwarm1 -
Hehe. Funny. I know I do. But I don't know how to tell my parents (I am under the age of fifteen) I do.
al_x11301 -
Welp. I got 92 percent. Not that I can do anything about it but that's fine :p
I'm not going to the ward just cuz people don't care and suck. You all need to change, I'm not the prob 👌😝
89% and Im only 13
no way in heck am I telling my therapist! she just laughs at me!!
The hell, I'm only 14
Oh god
BeeSwarm1 -
yayyyyyyy i aint going to no mental hospital anytime soon hopefully :P i have mental disorders but nothing like a hospital is needed
Welp thats interesting
(Tw:sewerside) I need to ask my parents for hospitalization tbh- before I f---ing kill myself....
Ace_1231 -
Probaly not
Grebnebu1 -
i'm only 13 and i'm getting 85%. this is f**ked up
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