What's your theriotype? [1] | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz What's your theriotype? [1].
I got feline, aka a cat. I kinda new it is gonna be that, I just wasn't sure.
I love to climb and explore. I am soft softhearted, but I had trust issues, so sometimes I can be aggressive a bit.
I am a therian, but I only figured it out this week. As a little kid, I always wanted to play an animal in rps, and I was wondering, how it would be as an animal. I love the nature, and actually feel a connection. Every time I go to the forest with my family, I just want to climb up on a tree, play around in the leaves, and be free, without any problems, just being myself. I often feel like, there's a missing piece of my body: a tail and a pair of cat like ears.
My favourite marvel character is obviously cat women. I think she is a therian too???
I know, it has not much to do with my therianthrophy, but she is inspiring, so I just wanted to tell that.
And hey! If you are ever feeling bad, because you are not "normal", remember:
CAT WOMAN! She is a superhero. You are one too! And, I think, it is cool, to have animal like(am I saying ot right?) things, having shifts, being a THERIAN!
I know, some(many) therians are not wanting their human body, mee too! But if we think about that, it's cool to be different. We have one life, and we exist only once. So why live a sad life? Enjoy what and who you are, no matter what others say!
I hope I could help you!
Bye for now! -
I got other, but closest to feline. I feel this is pretty accurate, except for the fact that I got one of the lowest on Avian, as a Black Billed Magpie is my main theriotype. I'm not surprised by the feline majority though, because my secondary theriotype happens to be a Maine Coon. (Specifically Black Smokey)
This also made me realize (among other things) that I need to let my feline theriotype express itself more, as I almost ALWAYS shift into my Magpie type. (My therianthropy experience is sort of like my theriotypes are almost different personalities [mindsets I guess?], who I can control how much/when they 'come out'. I'm not sure if this is common, but it comes in handy when I'm in public spaces where I might not feel like I can totally be myself.)
I'm going to try to let my feline type 'out' more often, to see if it helps with my general shifting ability. (I know not all therians can shift, but I've shifted only a total of three times since my awakening in 2022. It was exhilarating, and I would like to have this experience more often.)
It would also be super helpful if you guys could give any tips for shifting, expression outside of shifts, ect. I can't seem to find any good sources about that stuff.
Feline therian,if I were to be a animal I think I'd fit under feline the most sense I'm very aggressive when messed with but can still be kind when treated well. I usually am loner like and mysterious often too. Cool quiz mate.
you shouldnt think that based on how aggressive you are. In fact, most predators are calm because they know that being aggressive all the time would drain energy, they try to save as much energy as possible im case if they ever need to fight or hunt for food. Usually herbivores are more aggressive, for some reason. You are comparing your experiences with human stereotypes of cats, cause as a person whos been surrounded by cats big and small and as a serval therian, cats are very gentle, shy creatures.
They said 'aggressive when messed with'. That's different to all the time. Anyone would be aggressive when messed with.
I have a good feeling that I'm a cat therian of some sort. I'm ubsessed with cats ATM, and a lot of times I feel ears and a tail on me. I like to jump up and down a lot too. I'm doing research and taking tests, I keep getting feline. So I think I'm a therian! I'm not exactly sure
it might take you some time to figure out if you are a therian or not, but keep researching!
I am not sure that this is 100% accurate. I do feel like my theriotype falls into the feline category, but more often than not, im quiet and reserved, but don't piss me off. once I get mad, then I can be incredibly aggressive. And I don't like when people are all over my stuff. so...idk how true this is. the result that i got was a feline, but it said i was very agressive all the time.....
Yea, it's obviously not 100% accurate... It's an online quizz. It also mentions in the beginning to do research before you confirm a theriotype and that this quizz will not be 100% accurate. I'm not sure what you expected...
It says I got a 82% on feline so I guess this quiz really helped me here!
at first I was having a hard time figuring out my true theriotype but after this I think I'm rest assured on who I am!
I got a canine 92%!.
It also says that i am 78% feline, 63% other, 58% reptile, 54% avian [bird] and 43% cattle.
Im happy with the results
I got a reptile, but I believe I lean more on the arachnid type.
Zuri1 -
i got bird therian im actually a bunny therian
I'm a fox, which is a canine, which is what I got. Pretty good quiz.
Sorry for long text...
Can U add a cat and a wolf I'm not sure if I'm a wolf or cat
I got cat 🐈⬛ and I am a therian
thank you for figuring out what my therotype was with me i'm happy :)
i got a cat i thought i would be other kin but i love my theriotype
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