The IQ test (history)

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This quiz will show your IQ. Not real one but a pretty good estimate and as it says in the title, it’s history themed and there’s a app to actually study this!

You will get different grades from A to F- and if you get F- or F+ you have to take the test again. You’ll also go to different schools from gifted second grade to pre-K

Created by: Brandon
  1. Which object is the odd one out:Ring, coin, necklace, bracelet(Warm up)
  2. When was the constitution signed
  3. How much does the constitution cost
  4. When was the first boat made
  5. When did Great Britain take over Canada
  6. In which year was Ukraine made
  7. True or false: abu dabi used to be a independent country
  8. True or false: Moscow was never an independent country
  9. How many years did did the UK own Canada
  10. How many years was Spain a country
  11. What was the first state in the US
  12. How long was Abraham Lincoln president
  13. What is the very first country in North America
  14. When was Australia found
  15. What was the first civilization to land in Madagascar
  16. What is the first country to land in India
  17. In what year was Papua New Guinea
  18. When did Japan take over Hawaii
  19. What is the very first battle
  20. FINAL QUESTION: when was the first president born
  21. Bonus question! When was Egypt made

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