Are you displaying more masculine or feminine energy? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Are you displaying more masculine or feminine energy?
I got feminine and I am a girl but I agree with the person who called it sexist. I mean, from reading some of these comments and of course, doing it myself, I think it's saying that females live more in the moment and males think/plan for the future. I don't agree with that at all and I think that there are many types of people out there, gender doesn't matter. You are who you are no matter how you look or what body parts you have.
I really wouldn't listen to this quiz, especially the trans peeps. (I'm completely okay with that just trying to prove a point here)
I'm young and naive, no one has to listen to me, but I think everyone should find out who they are on the inside through their own thoughts, actions, and just throughout life.
Just signed up for this old website today I'm new hey everyone =)
Same I just signed up earlier today
BloodPaw5 -
I don't really think its sexist because it says Feminine and masculine and not male and female. Feminine males and musculine Females exist and thats why I even tough I'm a trans guy don't feel bad about getting the feminine result because that doesnt determine my gender. Feminine and female or musculine and male aren't synonyms.
Yalliv1 -
I am a trans person i was born female and i got masc i fully beleive this and im happy with what i got
i got masc as well but i got it equal masc and fem its funny lmaooo im not trans but alot of my friends did tell me i would be the perfect boyfriend tho lmaooooooooooooooo im cisgender and straight
leiawei1 -
Agreed I kinda think It's sexist.
Your Result: Feminine - Accomodative Animus 90%
resultYou seem to be more in tune with your feminine energy, effortlessly attracting what you want, enjoying the process rather than being end-goal oriented, connecting to your emotional life and relating to others by listening and nurturing. But don't forget to integrate your masculine side to fulfill your greatest potential. Raise your consciousness and direct yourself towards your next goal.
i could kind of tell which one was masculine and feminine.
Your Result: Feminine - Accomodative Animus 77%
resultYou seem to be more in tune with your feminine energy, effortlessly attracting what you want, enjoying the process rather than being end-goal oriented, connecting to your emotional life and relating to others by listening and nurturing. But don't forget to integrate your masculine side to fulfill your greatest potential. Raise your consciousness and direct yourself towards your next goal.
33% Masculine - Ambitious Anima
I'm a girl. Haha, cool.-
Don't understand? Hah, that doesn't matter much. All that matters now is that I know what I am.
Brickhead. Drop the fake dong along with that arrogance and have some tea. Smh
Saxman22-7 -
Hey how about you leave people alone and let them be happy just a thought their not being arrogant their just talking about the fact that they were wrong you should stop being a jerk
ChrisL6 -
:0000 YEY I FOUND ANOTHER TRANS PERSONN ::DDD (im non-binary trans or demiboy--- :D)
Your Result: Feminine - Accomodative Animus 81%
resultYou seem to be more in tune with your feminine energy, effortlessly attracting what you want, enjoying the process rather than being end-goal oriented, connecting to your emotional life and relating to others by listening and nurturing. But don't forget to integrate your masculine side to fulfill your greatest potential. Raise your consciousness and direct yourself towards your next goal.
54% Masculine - Ambitious Anima
Your Result: Feminine - Accomodative Animus 81%
resultYou seem to be more in tune with your feminine energy, effortlessly attracting what you want, enjoying the process rather than being end-goal oriented, connecting to your emotional life and relating to others by listening and nurturing. But don't forget to integrate your masculine side to fulfill your greatest potential. Raise your consciousness and direct yourself towards your next goal.
54% Masculine - Ambitious Anima
I think they did a good job with this quiz but just, Wow, I think they got it accurate I mean Im a girl so I guess it was good.
ok i am a girl but
Your Result: Masculine - Ambitious Anima 81%
resultYou're leaning more towards the masculine end of the energy spectrum, which isn't surprising considering how our productivity-focused society favours and rewards the use of masculine energy. Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your mental and sexual health. Breathe in! And take a nature walk or engage in any calming activity to harmonize your feminine side.
54% Feminine - Accomodative
this was a very good quiz, i also kinda confess i am more boyish than girlish XD
Your Result: Feminine - Accomodative Animus 81%
resultYou seem to be more in tune with your feminine energy, effortlessly attracting what you want, enjoying the process rather than being end-goal oriented, connecting to your emotional life and relating to others by listening and nurturing. But don't forget to integrate your masculine side to fulfill your greatest potential. Raise your consciousness and direct yourself towards your next goal.
54% Masculine - Ambitious Anima
Your Result: Feminine - Accomodative Animus 77%
resultYou seem to be more in tune with your feminine energy, effortlessly attracting what you want, enjoying the process rather than being end-goal oriented, connecting to your emotional life and relating to others by listening and nurturing. But don't forget to integrate your masculine side to fulfill your greatest potential. Raise your consciousness and direct yourself towards your next goal.
Aby471 -
Feminine - Accomodative Animus 77%
resultYou seem to be more in tune with your feminine energy, effortlessly attracting what you want, enjoying the process rather than being end-goal oriented, connecting to your emotional life and relating to others by listening and nurturing. But don't forget to integrate your masculine side to fulfill your greatest potential. Raise your consciousness and direct yourself towards your next goal.
Your Result: Feminine - Accomodative Animus 81%
resultYou seem to be more in tune with your feminine energy, effortlessly attracting what you want, enjoying the process rather than being end-goal oriented, connecting to your emotional life and relating to others by listening and nurturing. But don't forget to integrate your masculine side to fulfill your greatest potential. Raise your consciousness and direct yourself towards your next goal.
um ok im female but am lesbian
tjames041 -
I don`t like the fact that all the comments are complaining about how sexist the quiz is, I mean sure they do say that men plan for the future and they only give you two gender choices, but like what did you expect from a random quiz website off the internet.
The questions are (as expected) inaccurate, stereotypical, and portray standard gender roles, basically saying that men are more productive, in-charge, ambitious, intelligent, and rooted in reality, and plan ahead more; and that women are calm, accommodative, more emotionally motivated, and tend to stay in the moment and have their head in the clouds. Please do not take this quiz too seriously, especially if you have gender dysphoria or are questioning your gender. While I wouldn't go as far to say the quiz is sexist, it is stereotypical, and uses traditional standard gender roles (of which some are rooted in misogyny). Obviously, I'm sure the creator is not sexist or misogynistic and did not mean to offend anybody, but I do agree with the other comments
Pretty much agreed
Your Result: Masculine - Ambitious Anima 86%
resultYou're leaning more towards the masculine end of the energy spectrum, which isn't surprising considering how our productivity-focused society favours and rewards the use of masculine energy. Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your mental and sexual health. Breathe in! And take a nature walk or engage in any calming activity to harmonize your feminine side.
I am a gender-fluid born female, but right now this is accurate, because right now I am male.
Sorry, clicked submit to early,
I'll send definitions of Gender-fluid:Gender fluidity refers to change over time in a person's gender expression or gender identity, or both. That change might be in expression, but not identity, or in identity, but not expression.
Here's another one:
denoting or relating to a person who does not identify themselves as having a fixed gender
I got the same as you but also got 86% for feminine so I am balanced
Your Result: Masculine - Ambitious Anima 81%
resultYou're leaning more towards the masculine end of the energy spectrum, which isn't surprising considering how our productivity-focused society favours and rewards the use of masculine energy. Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your mental and sexual health. Breathe in! And take a nature walk or engage in any calming activity to harmonize your feminine side.
As a pre-transition trans guy, this makes me happy :)
I got a masculine (idk if i spelt it right) but im a girl- soo idk. but my friends call me more of a boi than a girl so i guess its accurate?
"Your Result: Masculine - Ambitious Anima 77%
You're leaning more towards the masculine end of the energy spectrum, which isn't surprising considering how our productivity-focused society favours and rewards the use of masculine energy. Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your mental and sexual health. Breathe in! And take a nature walk or engage in any calming activity to harmonize your feminine side.
33% Feminine - Accomodative Animus"
I know it's for entertainment but as a trans dude this did wonders for my self-esteem :)
i am also a trans man
Your Result: Masculine - Ambitious Anima 100%
You're leaning more towards the masculine end of the energy spectrum, which isn't surprising considering how our productivity-focused society favours and rewards the use of masculine energy. Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your mental and sexual health. Breathe in! And take a nature walk or engage in any calming activity to harmonize your feminine side.
0% Feminine - Accomodative Animus
I am a girl but ok... still can't believe I got 0% fem
Your Result: Masculine - Ambitious Anima 90%
resultYou're leaning more towards the masculine end of the energy spectrum, which isn't surprising considering how our productivity-focused society favours and rewards the use of masculine energy. Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your mental and sexual health. Breathe in! And take a nature walk or engage in any calming activity to harmonize your feminine side.
10% Feminine - Accomodative Animus
Im a girl but I do kinda have a tomboyish personality
I had 86% 86% and im non-binary
You're leaning more towards the masculine end of the energy spectrum, which isn't surprising considering how our productivity-focused society favours and rewards the use of masculine energy. Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your mental and sexual health. Breathe in! And take a nature walk or engage in any calming activity to harmonize your feminine side.
"Masculine - Ambitious Anima 86%
You're leaning more towards the masculine end of the energy spectrum, which isn't surprising considering how our productivity-focused society favours and rewards the use of masculine energy. Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your mental and sexual health. Breathe in! And take a nature walk or engage in any calming activity to harmonize your feminine side.
86% Feminine - Accomodative Animus"
???????? Umm??? How? -
Are you displaying more masculine or feminine energy?
Your Result: Masculine - Ambitious Anima 81%
resultYou're leaning more towards the masculine end of the energy spectrum, which isn't surprising considering how our productivity-focused society favours and rewards the use of masculine energy. Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your mental and sexual health. Breathe in! And take a nature walk or engage in any calming activity to harmonize your feminine side.
Your Result: Masculine - Ambitious Anima 81%
resultYou' re leaning more towards the masculine end of the energy spectrum, which isn't surprising considering how our productivity-focuse d society favours and rewards the use of masculine energy. Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your mental and sexual health. Breathe in! And take a nature walk or engage in any calming activity to harmonize your feminine side.
Swell quiz
But Imma gurl -
For some reason I just changed my gender and did it with the different genders and I got feminine for female and masculine for male Im not saying the test did this but Im interested in my results hmm and sorry if I spelled wrong. But nice quiz!
BloodPaw1 -
No offense, but this quiz was kinda sexist! Like, just because women are more relaxing forward in this quiz, doesn't mean there aren't guys who like to relax, unwind, and talk about things. I'm a girl, but It felt kinda wrong to respond the way I did because the quiz was too sexist.
I have worked for wonderful women who were very goal oriented. There was nothing masculine about them. I admired them so much. So I do agree with you thinking the questions could be sexist. I am a bi-gender male and I love everything about the feminist movement. Anyway not to be sexist but I prefer to work for a woman.
In real life, I'm a girl. I'm straight. Not bi or anything like that. So, can someone please explain to me why I am 86% masculine?? I mean it might be because I am a very chill person but still! I am so confused!
I got feminine, cool bc I'm actually a girl. Glad the answers weren't too obvious (that would make it boring). Great quiz