What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
Soo wrong i am from Northeast america NYC And it says i am from the west
Island North.. IM A CANDIAN.. SRSLY
92% the west is uncommon so yay. (I live in the southeast)
Inland north... jeez.. what does that mean lol
Jyodisha1 -
How do i get north western when ive lived in the south my whole life
90% midland
It said I was 88% midland meaning not much of an acent but I was born and raised in the ATX LOL
90% North Eastern
Hahahah my baby brother got South but I got West.
I don't have a accent! that is so very dissapointing
I got West...I guess that makes sense...
Wisconsin??? UH....I'm a New Yorker...all the way!
kensmom1 -
83% midland
BOSTON! YES! I've always hoped that's what I had!
REVOLUTION!2013 Quiz says I'm 100% New York but I'm Irish! XD
Boston accent and thats how i like it. :)
nooo1 -
right on I am from south jersey
Im from woodside queens. I do live in ct now. The quiz said I had a Philly accent.
i don't have an american accent of any sort. I'm eastern european!
There should be a 'not even from america' accent... thats me!
:D BOSTON! i am not even from there, though. Sadly.
OMG!!!!! I have a midland accent!! So true because Im from Cincinatti, OH
Western Massachusetts... it's not Bahston and it's not New Yahk. You need to refine.
i got west,im from Florida,fun place