frankentine's Profile

Joined on Nov 7, 2012
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
frankentine's Quizzes
- How dumb are you?[published: Nov 07, 2012, 2 comments]
Many people are dumb, stupid, brainless, you name it. But just how are YOU? Curious to find out? I hope you……
frankentine's Recent Posts
"i agree with all"
"what are we talking about xD"
frankentine's Recent Quiz Comments
"I'm from nj ive lived there my whole life but i am only 12 so i dont gt out much"
1 -
"yay 0%"
1 -
"i got harry"
1 -
"I'm cute. :3"
1 -
"I liked it. A lot. Well made quiz! i got pretty nice!"
0 -
2 -
"my name is smoochie cuddlekins! ;)"
1 -
"lollipop shut up. it is just a quiz! Chill!"
1 -
"elder chill out. if you don't like it dont take it"
1 -
"DOG GOD DOG GOD that is why dog is god backwards. it's because dogs are BOSS! XD"