wolf75677's Profile

Joined on May 19, 2012
Status Level: Junior
wolf75677's Quizzes
- Understand my awesome language?[published: Mar 17, 2013, 4 comments]
Canyou understand my new language? Earlier today I saw ICEE CHILL did one so I made up a……
- Click for scary story![published: Mar 17, 2013, 3 comments]
You think it will be anordinary day.Until thst tiny noise happens. You go check it out. What do you……
- How Much Are You Like Eminem?[published: Feb 09, 2013, 3 comments]
So a quiz seeing how much you are like Eminem. Rare, intereseting, and quite amusing maybe. Take……
- Do you have the swag[published: Oct 20, 2012, 6 comments]
The swag test ……
- HOW COOL R U quiz[published: May 26, 2012, 10 comments]
wolf75677's Recent Posts
"I am gonna go. ~#YOLOSWAG~"
"Seems like it. Just a simple WAIT. STOP TRYING TO MIND f--- ME GUYS."
"You seem like a hidden troll... *hides rage* Just... Back off."
"Wait.. What is that day??"
"I have had many family members die. And I still call many people with there names if they have the same name. And w"
"Guess who else is? Me"
"Make an Apple ID. Then use it. What generation iPhone/iPod/iPad do you use?"
"Danny, I really don't care if you are sorry. Hell, You know what? Forget it"
"Dude I am 12 and I can benchpress 80..... And on my treadmill I can run for 6 miles straight on 15 miles per hour. I can dead lift 120...."
"It is I can tell it like this or, Call me Matthew, not Matt please. Either way, I DON'T WANT TO BE CALLED MA"
"*sighs* God... You claimed you previewed your post before your submit? Know what a "Preview" is? It is hwere you look over to correct mistak..."
"Do you guys know my name? I have been pissed because I tell people my name is Matthew then they are freaking like, "Okay Matt." CAN'T YOU RE..."
"Danny lets make this simple. If you would stop making threads like this and crap maybe you could make some. "
"I do... I just.... It's hard to explain."
wolf75677's Recent Quiz Comments
"It was no problem. SECRET IS! *background drama music*
0 -
" Thanks for getting this to #63 on the top quizzes chart ^-^. The next one will be in like, 4 weeks. I got in trouble D:"
1 -
" Hey..... Don't hate on the 1st one! Keep going throughou the series and it is better."
1 -
"I have had breaking and enterings 6 times in my life. 5 of them I was home alone. I can throw/stab with knives easily. All of my parents…"
0 -
"I'm boring being myself? Idiot, your an ignorant child. I am actually cool being myself, you wanna be. You will fail in life at this…"
2 -
" CAN ALL OF YOU STOP?! I even, the creator hate my own quiz itself. Stop the hatin, avod this quiz. I know its stupid."
1 -
1 -
1 -
"Mikelover111 go to the forums and go to offbeat. I want to talk. You sound lovely."
1 -
"Loved it."