Killerkitten's Profile

Joined on Dec 21, 2014
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
Killerkitten's Quizzes
- Are you like me[published: Sep 24, 2015]
Enjoy dis quiz Enjoy the quiz Take the quiz Quiz Yeah wuiz Yeah quiz We love quize Dont hate……
- The killer kittten quiz of awsomeness[published: Dec 21, 2014, 3 comments]
Are you extremely board and have nothing to do? TAKE THIS QUIZ! It was made of pure……
Killerkitten's Recent Posts
"[url=[no urls]]Are you like me[/url]"
"Mike- i have one reason why i should be able to have jason Everyone but jason- why Mike- yaoi (Jason back from gettinv"
"Can some one answer what heaven and hell is? I reAlly dont know"
"Da hell"
"Jason-what the"
"Please notice us jason senpai"
"Sorry but no other responce"
"Umm wtf"
"That doesnt help ive only heard of hell in ppl yeliing"
"Jason- fine just fine Mike- *taking photo with flash on* Jason- what are you doing Mike- its fine Jason- um"
"Question--- whats heaven?"
"Every one but jason- im cool with that Jason- wth"
"Sleep Nah I wanna watch cartoons"
"Jason-why did you ask?"
"(Shadow confused af)"
Killerkitten's Recent Quiz Comments
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"You geuss right"
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"I lost!!! Yay"
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"In sixth grade but not the best at quiz"
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"How do i get north western when ive lived in the south my whole life"
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"Hi quiz takers and random friends any qeustions or ideas put them here"
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"Hmm well i have friends that use swords and bows and im pretty smart with death,zombies,and wounds i think well survive"